Search Results for : chain

Process Re-engineering EPIC’s Organizational Analysis and Business Process Re-engineering (OA/BPR) service offerings are a component of the Company’s Capacity Building Service (CBS) Practices and has as its mission the goal of having our client partners increase their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall service quality. EPIC’s OA/BPR methodology includes the following techniques: Business Process Modeling (BPM): Provides a graphical standard for creating chart-like flow […]

Organizational Analysis

Architect and Quality Assurance: In 1988, Arkinetics began with the simple notion that design is a combination of architecture and kinetics, creating architecture in motion.  Arkinetics, a SBA firm located in Cleveland, Ohio, helps clients make informed decisions through the design process to create places to work, dine, stay, shop, and grow.  Collaboration and trusting relationships are our instinctual approach to design.  Arkinetics core competencies […]

Teaming Partners